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PLANTFEED// "ANIMA MUNDI Series // Rose, Suma & Pecan Tart W CBD infused syrup."// by Kelly Mason

A delightful fragrant plant based, GF dessert made using Anuma mundi Apothecary Rose powder as the main ingredient for the tart filling & Suma powder used in the cacao and pecan raw base. Along with the dessert I created a cherry & raspberry CBD infused syrup to plate.


"Our Apothecary is composed of organic, wildcrafted, and ethically grown botanicals. We aim to continuously source pristine, unadultured and wholesome medicines for mind body and soul wellness. Anima Mundi is devoted to making vibrant and medicinally potent remedies that honors the principles of harmony and ancient formulation that have years of anecdotal and traditional evidence. 

Anima Mundi’s roots are within the heart of Costa Rica and Brooklyn. Our founder Adriana moved to Brooklyn with a mission to bridge remedies from native people within Central and South America, to modern day needs and imbalances. Since our evolution out of Adriana's tiny in-home office space, our apothecary has sustainable grown to contain over 200 different herbs from around the world, providing retailers, SPA's, hotels, boutiques, holistic doctors and physicians, trustable and well-sourced remedies. We believe in sustainable growth, from the inception of the plants we use, to our business practice. Our project educates and supports true fair trade practices, beyond organic farming, education, small farmers to create remedies that benefit people from all walks of life."



"Rose petals and their medicine help to move and open a heart which has tightened emotionally and spiritually.  In both Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the Unani (Greek-Arabic medicine) traditions, the heart is believed to be a physical organ and the seat of consciousness.  TCM uses the term shen, while Unani medicine talks about pneuma.   Both schools teach that rose has a powerful affect on the spiritual state of one’s heart.  Unani medicine has a category of heart herbs termed as “exhilarants”, which help the spiritual heart feel joy.  Rose is considered both a shen tonic in TCM and an exhilarant in Unani medicine.

A wonderful nervine, great for uplifting the mood and alleviating depression, rose also has antispasmodic, aphrodisiac and sedative qualities, as well as being anti-inflammatory.  Rose helps regulate menstruation as well as stimulate the digestion. " 



"In South America suma is known as para toda (which means "for all things") and as Brazilian ginseng, since it is widely used as an adaptogen with many applications (much as "regular" ginseng). The indigenous peoples of the Amazon region who named it para todahave used suma root for generations for a wide variety of health purposes, including as a general tonic; as an energy, rejuvenating, and sexual tonic; and as a general cure-all for many types of illnesses. Suma has been used as an aphrodisiac, a calming agent, and to treat ulcers for at least 300 years. It is an important herbal remedy in the folk medicine of several rainforest Indian tribes today."

"In herbal medicine throughout the world today, suma is considered a tonic and an adaptogen. The herbal definition of an adaptogen is a plant that increases the body's resistance to adverse influences by a wide range of physical, chemical, and biochemical factors and has a normalizing or restorative effect on the body as a whole. In modern Brazilian herbal medicine practices, suma root is employed as a cellular oxygenator and taken to stimulate appetite and circulation, increase estrogen production, balance blood sugar levels, enhance the immune system, strengthen the muscular system, and enhance memory."

AMA - Written by master herbalist and Naturopath, Leslie Taylor


"Aire is made from CBD and refined hempseed oil with added hemp terpenes. No THC.

You won’t find any additives, preservatives, chemicals or flavourings in our oils. Plus we’ve taken every bit of THC out. That means no unwanted side effects. All natural, all organic, all hemp. Like life, we think it’s best to keep things simple. So we only use one ingredient in our oils. Hemp. Everything – the CBD, the terpenes, the carrier oil – all come from this one magic plant. We blend premium-grade CBD with hemp-plant terpenes to kick start the 'entourage effect', helping your body and mind get the most out of every drop."


Note: You can make this dish without using CBD.

Rose, acai & coconut tart W pecan cacao Suma base finished W Rapberry cherry CBD syrup, CBD infused chocolate dipped fresh cherries & Pecan dried rose sweet soil.

Serve Est. 4-6

Dish Type. Dessert

Vegan. GF

Freezer friendly - 1 Month 



* 1/4 cup coconut flour

* 1/2 cup raw pecans (crushed)

* 1/4 cup maple syrup

* 3 tbsp coconut oil

* 1 Tbsp cacao powder

* 1 Tbsp coconut sugar

* 1 Tbsp Suma Powder

* 1 Tsp Vanilla bean extract

* 1 Tsp lemon juice

* Pinch sea salt


1. Combine the coconut flour, crushed pecans, coconut sugar, suma and salt together in a small glass bowl.

2. Take a separate bowl and mix the maple, coconut oil, vanilla and lemon juice

3. Add wet ingredients to dry and combine well

4. Take four to six mini tart cases and oil with coconut oil to avoid sticking

5. Place around 1 - 1 1/2 heaped tbsp of the base into each tart case and gently press to the mould

6. Place into the freezer for around 1-2 hours to set.


* 1 cup coconut milk (exclude the liquid water)

* 1/4 cup maple syrup

* 1 1/2 tsp agar agar powder

* 1 Tbsp coconut sugar

* 1 Tbsp Rose Powder

* 1 Tbsp Acai powder

* 1 Tsp lemon juice

* Pinch sea salt


1. Take all the ingredients and place into a blender and blend until smooth

2. Place the mixture into a sauce pan and bring to the boil then lower the heat to simmer for around 8 minutes

3. Remove from the heat and allow to slightly cool then strain through a cheesecloth into a glass mixing bowl / glass pouring jug

4. Take the tart bases from the freezer, pour the raspberry filling into each then place back into the freezer for at least 3-4 hours to completely set.


* 1/4 cup Maple syrup

* 1/4 cup mixed berries (pitted cherry & raspberries)

* 1 Tsp Almond oil

* 6 drops Aire CBD oil

* 1 Tsp lemon juice

* Pinch sea salt


1. Blend all the ingredients together excluding the CBD oil.

2. Add optional CBD oil.


* 1/4 cup vegan dark chocolate (Melted)

* 2 Tbsp pecans (crushed)

* 1 Tsp dried rose buds

* 2 Tsp coconut sugar

* 12-18 fresh cherries

* 6 drops Aire CBD oil (opt.)


1. Gently melt the dark chocolate in double boiler method then remove from heat and allow a few moments to cool before adding the optional CBD drops.

2. Mix together the crushed pecans, crushed dried rose & coconut sugar to create the "soil" - Take the soil and sprinkle around the edge of each tart

2. Wash and dry the cherries and dip each into the CBD infused chocolate and place three dipped cherries on each tart and finish with a final sprinkle of the Pecan rose soil.

Enjoy totally, completely & with all of your being.


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