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PLANTFEED// "SUPERNOVA living Series // Vegan cacao protein ice cream cookies."// by Kelly Mason

Serve Est. 6 - 8 Sandwiches

Dish Type. Dessert

Vegan. GF

Freezer friendly - 1 Month


* 1 cup almond butter

* 1/4 cup coconut sugar

* 1/4 cup buckwheat flour

* 1/4 cup cacao powder

* 1/4 cup maple syrup

* 3 Tbsp coconut oil

* 1 Tsp vanilla

* Pinch cinnamon (Opt.)

* Pinch sea salt


* 1-2 Tbsp Melted vegan dark chocolate


1. Mix all the main dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl and combine

2. Mix all the wet ingredients in a separate smaller bowl and combine

3. Add the wet ingredients to the dry and combine into a dough

4. Take an ice cream scooper and create 12-16 small cookie dough balls, then, press the balls into cookies on a silicone sheet ready to go for baking

5. Place in the oven 350F / 180C for around 12 minutes

6. Allow to cool and decorate half of the cookies with a drizzle of dark chocolate

7. Store in airtight container in the fridge for up to a week or freeze for up to one month

For the completely vegan Supernova Living plant based protein "Mood Lifting" cacao almond ice cream click here...

Enjoy totally, completely & with all of your being.


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